buy hookless shower curtain

Some people doesn’t put too much thinking and effort when buying a shower curtain, though it is something that deserves some consideration. Do you even realize that the shower curtain tends to be the highlight of the bathroom since it is the most intimate place in your house?

Aside for the aesthetic by setting the tone for the style of your bathroom, the main purpose of shower curtains are to keep water off the bathroom floor and to instill a sense of privacy. You need to consider the design of your bathroom when you’re going to buy a new curtain. Shower curtains does not restricted to plain curtains. Shower curtains come in various designs, colours, and patterns. Having a shower curtain that goes well with the bathroom design will indeed pelasure the eyes.

Anyone who has ever hung traditional shower curtains will agree on one thing: hooks are a pain to use. You get one side hung and the other side comes unhooked. While you’re reattaching that side, three hooks fall off. You fumble, you drop things. Before you get the whole thing hung, you are quite tempted to throw the curtain and the hooks out of the nearest window. There is an easier way.

You can choose from the wide array of varieties of hookless shower curtains which are now available. Thought hey all attach by different methods, each works with your existing standard shower curtain rods, and they all eliminate the hooks.

One such hookless shower curtain is available from COMFECTO. Equipped with a built-in flexible ring system, it simply fits over your curtain rod. Another type of hookless shower curtain is one that utilizes ties. While each tie does have to be individually tied, you do not have to funble with hard-to-use rings. In addition to being hookless, this type of shower curtain also repels water, eliminating the threat of mold and mildew.

Some other hookless shower curtains use buttons, snaps, or Velcro to attach to the rod. While all of these methods have their own drawbacks,they do away with a lot of the hassle of dealing with hooks. Hookless shower curtains are availabe at a variety of outlets, you can even find them online.

If you’re on the lookout of a hookless shower curtain, then we recommend you to get the one from COMFECTO. It is made of premium material which ensures longevity. It is also easy to install since the eylets is big enough to fit most bathroom curtain rods.

For more information, head over to top shower curtain