Hamster Wheel

People mostly put hamster wheel inside of hamster cages. It is needed to allow the hamster to run even though there’s not much room left in the cage. Providing hamster wheel is letting the hamster do what they usually do in the wild. They can run for several miles in a single night, imagine if they have to do this in a cage without a hamster wheel.

Running on a wheel will make the hamter run in long distances without having to leave the cage. Hamster usually run more than 5 miles in a single night.

Running is a great excercise and essential for your hamster’s health. Hamsters also do enjoy running as it goes some way towards replacing exploring, which something they would do in the wild but not in a cage. Some studies show that hamsters with running wheels will less likely to gnaw on their legs. Another thing is that the female ones with hamster wheels give birth to more babies per litter than those without wheels.

Before you’re on the lookout for getting a hamster wheel, you need to know what kind of hamster wheels are available. There’s one that is made of metal, and one that is made of plastic. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Hamster wheels made of metal is stronger than plastic ones as they are likely to last longer. With being made of metal, the hamster can’t chew on them just like the main concern on the plastic hamster wheels.

Though you might want to pick the ones made of metal because of its longevity, you need to consider about your hamster safety. Metal wheels tend to be made with rungs rather than as one solid piece like plastic ones do. Think about your tiny hamster legs that are quite fragile and can be easily injured if they fall through the gaps between the rungs while running on their top speed.

Plastic hamster wheels, on the other hand, are made in one solid piece of plastic, which is a lot safer for the hamster to use as there are no gaps between for their legs to fall.

Another thing to consider is the size. Keep in mind that you don’t give your hamster a wheel that is too small for them. The larger the wheels means the more similar it is to running on flat ground in the wild as the hamster has to arch less its back.

One last thing, since hamsters are nocturnals, then they will most likely use the wheel at night. What if the wheel you use is noisy? You’ll probably be disturbed as your hamster is running. This gives you an idea what feature when you look for a wheel for your hamster, that is a wheel that is less noisy.

We recommend you to get the one from Love Hamster Wheel. It has all the features you need and is made of plastic. It is a silent spinner, meaning that it doesn’t put out a lot of noise when being used by the hamster. The detachable disc wall design allows easy assembly, while the circular edge set make it more secure, more rugged, and effectively prevent biting.

For more information, go to http://lovehamsterwheel.com/

http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=hamster exercise wheel